Artist Statement

My artistic journey, which spans over three decades since 1994, has consistently revolved around the exploration of core identity. In the evolving landscape of the 21st century, the concept of identity itself is undergoing significant transformations. Since 2011, I have embraced the role of a digital artist, utilizing alternative digital processes to introduce an element of randomization into my imagery. This approach challenges conventional notions of identity by generating new and unexpected outcomes based on chance.

Moving forward, in 2024, I intend to embark on a new series of images that delve into the complexities of anonymity in the digital realm. In a world that seems increasingly isolating, humans are adopting digital avatars as their primary mode of interaction. The authentic self is often overshadowed by the carefully curated image presented to the world. This exploration becomes particularly relevant in the age of Artificial Intelligence, where technology enables the creation of entirely new identities or the enhancement of existing ones.

In this rapidly evolving landscape, the question of what constitutes identity becomes more pertinent than ever. Through my art, I aim to explore the implications of these changes and challenge the conventional understanding of identity.

Current Work

This page is for current work.  The Visible Mending Series that started in 2023 is a series of glitching photoshop manipulated images and Polaroid Transfer.  Animated GIF and Videos are also being produced.

Current Work


Fractured Process

Exploration of glitched television images.  Broken Media delivery changes meaning.  This series is glitched images of the 2018 DNC Debate on CSPAN.  

Fractured Process Series

Death Series

This series is done with Processing.  It is a series of Pixel averaged images.  Each image has up to 8 layers.  These images are a representation of myself after a tragic accident in 2015.  Contemplating the end of my life and facing a new reality without something that was a core of my Identity from 2005-2015.

Death Series


A random re-assignment of pixels glitched through text edit and containing subtractions of particular letters of the Alphabet.  

Pink Glitched Series


Assorted installations.



A work made as a Kinetic Sculpture and Video covering a dilemma many have encountered after being wronged.


Twin Cards

A comment to the Barbie Twins playboy centerfold spread in the early 1990’s.  The Twin cards were an ongoing series every year as a critique on Sexual Identity and Fantasy.

Twin Cards